
Friday, June 23, 2006

I thought it was over, I thought all have been overcame. I thought I was ready. I was wrong. Seeing the happiness makes me sad for some unknown reasons. Was the decision wrong? Should I have stayed on? Should I not leave? Was the timing all wrong? A right person appearing at the wrong time ? or the wrong person appearing at a right time?

Memories can't seemed to fade away, images still fresh within. Every object seemed to be part of the past; part of what was supposed to be forgotten. Somethings should be locked in the deepest realms of memory never to be opened again. Please. Someone just tell me. Where can I find the chest to store the memories and what should I used to lock it all up? Tell me...


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Mad Minds Krazy Lines

Name: Lunacy aka KinG aka KC

Use of words brings silence to the world. The sweet sound of music brings it all back.

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